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Crazy gone gone wild, did someone just put some glue inside your lock? you may be the lucky one actually the target one, its either enemies or some protesters done it just to let you pay and not access your store or home, How to access back in to your local call us we are here to help you getting in, we know its rush for you, in some cases we are also flooded with emergencies so you may need to be patient a bit, Eveyone want our locksmiths to be right away, the cost to open your lock is depend on the security feature you have implemented into the lock, it could be high security such as medeco, abloy, mul-t-lock, CX5, or Chinese imitation mul-t-lock also called as popular MAXTECH lock. those locks required some drilling to open and may cost a bit higher then normal lock, since the outside is protected by anti drill coat to protect against drilling. Don’t forget once your lock is destroyed you may need new lock, economic option is standard mortise lock approximation $50.00 plus taxes and additional $25.00 installation charges. we are the pro in opening any locks. 514-836-9097

Daytime cost

  • $165.00 Plus taxes for standard lock
  • 250.00 Plus taxes for high security lock

Afterhours 5pm

  • $185.00 Plus taxes for standard lock
  • 285.00 Plus taxes for high security lock

Night time 11pm-1am

  • $225 Plus taxes for standard lock
  • 350 Plus taxes for high security lock

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